Friday 28 April 2023

A Social Media Site

Hi FAU Bloggers,

Today I'm going to write about a social media page I visit frequently. I could write about a number of music-related sites that I visit regularly but I thought it would be good to write about something different. The site I’m going to tell you about is an Instagram site in Spanish on the topic of healthy living called healthychoicebienestar ( It's a site that publishes healthy, plant-based recipes but with the added bonus of often providing information on the nutritional value of the ingredients and other beneficial properties they may have. I guess I visit this site 2 or 3 times per week. The meals are often quick-cook recipes that are easy to follow, and, as the name of the site suggests, are very healthy. I actually know about this site because it’s written by my wife ☺. She only began it at the beginning of this year, in January. She resumed it to coincide with Veganuary, an annual challenge for people to go vegan for a month. She put up a post every day for 31 consecutive days, and has carried on posting frequently since then. One of the best thing about the site is that I get to eat all the delicious food that you can see in the pictures on the Instagram page.

Write about a social media site you visit frequently.

What it's called,
What it's about,
How you discovered it,
Why you like it,
How often you visit it.

Mention anything interesting or important. Try to write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

Friday 21 April 2023

A Holiday as a Child

I think the first time my family went on holiday I was about 9 or 10 years old. We went to a little village on the coast of the Irish Sea in North Wales called Criccieth. My family at that time consisted of 5 sisters and 2 brothers as my youngest brother, Ged, hadn’t been born yet. The cottage my parents rented was actually in the countryside about 5 miles from the coast. I remember seeing different landscapes and we did something different each day. My family loves walking and I remember us walking through fields and forests. On our walks, my father would tell us all about the different vegetation and wildlife (he knew a lot about trees, plants and birds). We also spent time on the beach. 

The great thing about the beach at Criccieth is that it has sandy parts that are great for paddling (or swimming if you are very brave - the water is freezing!) and other parts with rock pools. I remember playing in the rock pools and catching small crabs and shrimps. Criccieth also has a castle. For me as an 8-year old it was really fascinating and us visiting it was one of the highlights of the trip. I guess we stayed in Criccieth for about a week and it was in either July or August. Luckily, we had great weather and I remember having a great time. Here are the only 2 photos I have of that trip. I think this first photo is the only one of me and my brothers and sisters from that period.

Write about a holiday or special occasion you remember as a child.
Where and when it was,
Who was there,
What you did,
Why you remember this occasion.
Mention anything interesting or important. Try to write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

Friday 14 April 2023

A Photograph (or two!)

 Hi Fau Bloggers,

Today I'd like to write about 2 photographs I like. One is a photo of me, the 2nd a photo I took. 

The first photo is a photo of me from 1980 when I was 20 years old. It was taken in a photo booth in Leeds (a city in the North of England). I was at a Punk/New Wave music festival with a couple of friends. I like this photo because it reminds of when I was young & innocent (ha!ha!). I was quite fashion conscious at that age. I was a big fan of David Bowie and I often wore make-up and quite outlandish clothes (often with styles copied from Bowie). My hair was dyed red. It used to be curlier but the dye make if frizz out. Nowadays, I look around FAU and see lots of interesting fashion statements and, in my experience, it's always good to remind yourself of what you were like when you were younger.   

The second photo is of a waterfall in Zhejiang Province in China. I visited the waterfall in July 2022 with my wife and a Chinese friend called Vera. It's actually the highest waterfall in Asia and their are 2 other beautiful and impressive waterfalls nearby on the same stretch of river. My wife and I were living in Wenzhou which is in the same province but a couple of hours away by car. We went for the weekend and stayed in a really nice, rustic hotel which has a cave cellar underneath where the owner makes traditional Chinese alcohol called Bai-jiu, the Chinese equivalent of Pisco. We walked from the hotel to the entrance of the park with the waterfall, which was about 10 kilometres, which took us a while because it was really hot. The park was beautiful and unspoilt except for the carved steps. It seems there are carved steps everywhere in China. I like this photo because it reminds me of a fairytale image or something from Lord of the Rings. 

Write about a photograph (or 2!) you like.

When the photograph is from,
What it shows,
Why you like it,
What it reminds you of.

Mention anything else you think is important or interesting.

Try to write at least 175 words. Leave a comment on your teacher's blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates. 

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