Friday 24 March 2023

About me

 Hi B13 Bloggers!

My name is Simon, I'm your English teacher this semester. Here is a little bit about me.

I was born in Wales to English parents and Irish grandparents so I'm totally British. I don't consider myself truly Welsh because I don't speak the Welsh language (it's a Celtic language).

I have 5 sisters and 3 brothers. All of them live in the UK except for one brother who lives in New Zealand. 

I´ve lived in Chile for over 20 years but I also lived in Spain (5 years) and China (3 years).

My main hobby is making music, something I've been doing since I was 13 or 14 (so a long time!!!).

I also enjoy playing football, reading, walking in natural environments, cooking & travelling.

I think my favourite Chilean meal is Humitas but maybe that's because I'm vegan. 

I live in Santiago with my wife, Beatriz, & 2 cats, Goku & Aiko.

Akio & Goku


  1. An interesting live. When will be play a pichanga?

  2. Hi Simon, i have a question jaja how do you prefer eat the humitas? with Sugar or tomate?

  3. wow you have a much brothers!

  4. I love cats too.
    Simon, i like football too, what's your favorite football team?

    1. Liverpool! Big game tomorrow. What´s your team?

  5. Your cats look very cute (^ owo ^)


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