Friday 7 July 2023

Test Practice

Do ALL notes & multiple choice sections

Blog Experience

 Hi FAU Bloggers.

Today it's time to write the final post, which is to evaluate your blog experience this semester. 

Please write about it and include the following information:

Which post you enjoyed writing most,
Which post you least enjoyed writing,
Whose blog you enjoyed reading,
Whether or not your English improved (and how:).
What things you liked and disliked about using the blog.

Mention anything else you think is important or interesting. Try to write at least 150 words. Leave a comment on your Teacher's blog and on the blogs of three classmates.

Friday 30 June 2023

Guardian Article on exhaustion and mental fatigue

A Tv Programme you watched as a child

Hi there Bloggers!

Today I'd like to tell you about a TV programme I watched as a child. The show I'm going to write about is called Dr Who. I started watching it as a child from about age 8 years old. It is about a person who travels through time and who has different adventures in different parts of the universe or at different points in Earth's history. The Dr (or The Doctor) travels in a spaceship that has the appearance of an old Police phone box. It's called the Tardis and although it looks small it's actually bigger on the inside. When I was a child the show used to be broadcast on Saturday at 6pm. The Dr fought against many enemies, the most notorious being the Darleks (pictured below). I remember that I used to spend half of the show hiding behind the sofa because I found it so scary. The series ran from 1963 until 1989. It was revived again in 2005 and there have been 13 new series since that date. The show had lots of followers and it had a very recognisable theme tune. Many artists have recorded versions of the theme tune. A song called "Doctorin the Tardis" by The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu which featured a sample of the tune reached NÂș1 in the British singles chart in 1988. As well as being a great series, the show is a big part of British culture. Many different actors have played the role of the Doctor. His change of apperance is always carefully woven into the plot. It is quite amazing that the show has managed to last so many years. 

Write about a TV programme you enjoyed watching when you were a child:
What it was called,
What it was about,
When it was on,
Why you enjoyed it.
Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

Friday 23 June 2023

A good place to eat

Hi FAU Bloggers:
One of my favourite places to eat in Santiago is Ram Salaam, an Indian restaurant in Santa Isabel between Condell and Italia. It's 100% authentic and is extremely cheap for the quality. I like it because although the recipes are quite basic, they are wonderfully tasty. Another thing I like about Ram Salaam is the fact that it has many vegan options. I eat there at least once a month. I usually go with my wife but we often go with friends and always take visiting family there. Some people find it a little "grubby" but I love it. My favourite dishes are the lentil and mushroom dishes but they also offer other tasty options. The family who run the restaurant are from Northern Indian. They have 2 young children both of whom have been born since we have been regulars at the restaurant. The young children both help in the restaurant.

Write about a place you like to go to eat in Santiago.
Where it is,
How often you go,
Who you go with,

Why you like it.

What dishes you like,

Try to write about 200 words. Write a comment on your teachers' and 3 classmates blogs.

Good Morning Bloggers!

Today's task is to evaluate the BBC Learning English Website. Please visit it the site ( and evaluate something from each of the headline sections:







You need to go to each section, look at a video or try out an activity and write about each one on in today's post on your blog.

For EACH SECTION, include: The name of the section, what video or activity you looked out. How useful you think it is and why.

Please publish by 11.30 and leave a comment on my blog to say what you thought of the activity.

Friday 16 June 2023

A Bestie (Lol)

Hi FAU Bloggers,

Today I'm going to tell you about Paul, who has been a really great friend of mine for since 1988. We met at a really large photography studio in London. I started a job as an "on-set" photographer's assistant for Habbit, a well known furniture store in the UK. Paul had been working at the company for a couple of years so he had to give me some basic training. We got on really well. We found out we had lots of things in common, especially related to music. He was a dj and I was a musician. We both had similar musical backgrounds and shared a love for a wide range of styles and artists. Part of our job was to transport furniture to on-set locations and install it there. Habbit would rent out somebody's house for the day to take advantage of a particular achitectural style or for room with a view of a famous landmark. Because of this we spent hours driving around London and we got to know the city really well. Paul is a Londoner so he already knew the city well but he also managed to learn all the shortest routes. Later in life, he put this knowledge to good use and became a qualified London Taxi-driver (a "cabby") which is a great achievement because the entry test is extremely difficult. 

I see Paul ever time I go back to the UK. I often stay at his flat in London which is full of thousands of vinyl records. When we were younger we used to go out to parties, gigs and clubs. Paul got involved in making House music and he released a few albums with another friend of mine under the name Deep Freeze Productions. Nowadays, we spend our time listening to music and chatting over a beer or going out to see a band or some old-school dj in a dive bar:) I saw him for the last time in September, 2022 on my way back to Chile.

Here's a track by Paul's band:)

Write about a good friend of yours.


Who they are,

How you met,

What you have in common,

What you like to do together,

When you last saw each other.

Mention anything else you think is interesting or important. Try to write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my post and on the posts of 3 classmates.

Test Practice Do ALL notes & multiple choice sections